Here you can stay up to date with all the ongoing votings and tutorials for them.

MAMA voting

Voting on Twitter and website
Until 5.12.20

aaa popularity voting

Voting on Choeaedol app.
Until 15.11.20

apan music awards voting

Voting on Idol Champ app and Seezn app
Until 27.11.20

For any queries, please DM us on Twitter.

Vote for Red Velvet in 6 categories.
Song of the Year (Psycho)Artist of the YearWorldwide Fans' ChoiceBest Female GroupBest Dance Performance FemaleBest OST (Joy - Introduce Me a Good Person)

RVE and SRV have collaborated with LuvityUnion to vote for Cravity for Best New Male Artist.

Joy fanbases have collaborated with Weeekly for Best New Female Artist, IU for Best Female Artist, and Taemin for Best Dance Performance Solo in exchange for Joy Best OST.

> 1 vote per day per account
> Create many accounts to vote (SNS accounts)
> 10 accounts max per IP address. If you get blocked, use a VPN app to switch your network.

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